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52nd ACF National Cat Show


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52nd ACF National Cat Show Hosted by Cats New South Wales Inc  


Proudly sponsored by

8TH & 9TH JUNE 2024 

Hawkesbury Pavilion, Hawkesbury Showgrounds Racecourse Road,  

Clarendon, NSW, 2756

All functions to be held at  Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley 61 Hawkesbury Valley Way 

Windsor, NSW 2756 

Welcome Function 

Friday 7th June 

7.00pm – 8.00pm 

National Show 

Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th 

Benching 6.15am - 8.15am 

President opens Show – 8.30am Supreme Panel Sunday 9th - 3.00pm 

National Show Dinner Sunday 9th June 

7.30pm for 8.00pm  

Judges Guild AGM 

Monday 10th June 

8.30am – 12.30pm 

Judges Guild Seminar Monday 10th June 

1.30pm – 5.00pm  


ACF Inc. AGM & GM 

Tuesday 11th June 






Ring 1 


Ring 2 


Ring 3 


Group One


Chloe Chung 


Michael Schleissner CFA



Paul Henry 


Marisa Thistlewaite  QFA

Nadine Savage 



Paul Henry 


Marisa Thistlewaite  QFA

Nadine Savage  


Group Two


Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA


Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 



Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 





Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA


Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 



Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 


Group Four 


Chloe Chung 


Michael Schleissner CFA


Ring 4 


Ring 5 


Ring 6 





Paul Henry 


Marisa Thistlewaite  QFA

Nadine Savage  



Chloe Chung 


Michael Schleissner CFA



Chloe Chung 


Michael Schleissner CFA





Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 



Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA


Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA




Michelle McGrath 


Kerry Fowler 


Carole Galli 



Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA


Helene Lis  


Jennifer Reding 


Barbara La Rocca QFA




Paul Henry 


Marisa Thistlewaite  QFA

Nadine Savage  


NOTE - The Show Committee reserves the right to alter assignments, without notice, should the need  arise, while endeavouring to provide one overseas judge for each section in each group. ACF By-Laws  limits the number of exhibits to be handled by any judge to approximately 90. 

Reserve Judge: Scoot Andresen (GCCFSA)




I am a FIFe allbreed judge. I have been in the cat fancy science for  almost thirty years. Earlier I used to breed ocicat and my cattery name is  S*Lis-Katt. I also have had European shorthair. I am a member of the  Swedish FIFe member SVERAK, where I have been active on the board  with responsibility for judges and student judges. In FIFe I am very well  known as the judge who always wears something spotted. I live in  Örebro. I will turn 57 this summer.  

In my private life I work as head of the administration office in the  Municipality of Västerås. That means I travel a lot and I also travel wide  world due to my judging. When I am off duty I spend some time at the  gym, writing some articles in magazines, driving MC and enjoying art of  different kinds. This is the first time for me in Australia and I am very  grateful for the invitation, and I am so looking forward to meeting you  and your beautiful cats!


Michael Hans Schleissner is from Germany and has judged  throughout Europe for nearly 30 years. He has been a CFA  judge since 2009, and has also judged in North America,  Asia, Africa and Australia. In 1982, working with his wife  Brigitte, he started his Atzelhof cattery, beginning with a  Persian program. Over the years, they worked with other  breeds, including Siamese, Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, British  Shorthairs, and American Shorthairs; they still maintain  active breeding programs for the Selkirks, Brits, and  Americans. They are very proud of having produced 42 CFA  grands, 3 homebred National Winners, and Breed Winners in  both the Brits and the Selkirks. 

Recently retired, Michael is a former business economist  who worked for a major pharmaceutical company. His love  of animals and breeding extends well beyond cats; in  addition to his cats, he also breeds show canaries, Beijing  Bantam chickens, and aquarium fish.


I had worked with and shown horses as a teenager (mostly Arabians),  but after graduating and moving away from home looked to find  Something to do that was a little less expensive. I attended my first cat  show as a spectator in 1986, and having always loved cats, thought it  looked like a great deal of fun. I obtained my first pedigreed breeding  cat, a Birman, in 1988, and my first Japanese Bobtail, a neuter, in 1990.  By 1991 I had gotten a Japanese Bobtail to breed, and had both for  several years, breeding under the prefix Janipurr. I had a great deal of  better luck with Bobtails, and phased out Birmans after a few years. I  showed both CFA and TICA at first, having numerous Grand Champions  and Supreme Grand Champions and even a TICA International Winner,  but decided to stick with CFA by the mid 90s, and since then I have had  numerous Grands, Regional Winners, National Breed winners, and a few  National Winners. I was fortunate to be able to import two males from  Japan in 1996, and one turned out to be a black smoke. A friend and I  with whom I had been working together decided to register a new  cattery name—Ginchika—to breed silver and smoke Japanese Bobtails,  a color which was accepted but as yet had not obtained any wins.  Ginchika had numerous firsts in the silver/smoke division—Grand,  Regional Winner, Breed Winner, National Winner, Distinguished Merit.  Ginchika has over 100 Grand Champions /Grand Premiers in CFA, and  has been awarded a Tier 3 Superior title. I have also bred Oriental  Shorthair, having bred the first Bicolor OSH to Grand in CFA. I have  shown Cornish Rex, Singapura, Colorpoint Shorthair, Abyssinian, British  Shorthair, Himalayan, Persian, Exotic and Maine Coon. I have also  agented American Curls and Norwegian Forest Cat. I met my husband  Mark (at a cat show!) in 2006, and we married in 2013. With his help I  applied to and was accepted into the CFA Judging Program in 2014, and  advanced to Approval Pending Allbreed status in December of 2022. I  have judged all over the United States, and this year in South Korea and  Malaysia! I am excited to visit Australia.

To Be Advised



Born in Beijing, China, Chloe moved to Hong Kong when she was just 10  months old. While growing up in Hong Kong, she raised and showed  several different breeds of dogs, obtaining her first Best of Breed win  with a Welsh Corgi in 1993. She entered her first cat show in 2002,  began breeding British Shorthairs, and in 2007 had her first home-bred  National Winner of her own breeding. As a ring clerk she became  interested in many other breeds and showed American Curls, American  Shorthairs, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Exotics, Maine Coons, Persians,  Russian Blues and Sphynx to various wins. In 2010 Chloe applied to the  CFA Judging Program, and since then has traveled throughout Europe,  Asia, Malaysia and the United States as a CFA judge. Her Chloeadores  cattery continues to produce top-quality British Shorthairs. Chloe  graduated from China Agriculture University, and she now lectures on  cat behavior, nutrition, medical care and breed standards, splitting her  time between Hong Kong and Liaoning, in mainland China.


I started breeding Birmans in 1986. I was President of The  Birman Cat Club and held other positions as well. In 1995 I  became a Longhair judge eventually in 2019 I qualified to be  an Allbreeds judge. I have judged all over NZ and in most  Australian States. I enjoy my judging very much and am  always learning. I am looking forward to being able to judge  your fabulous cats and kittens and enjoy meeting old friends  and new ones as well.


Breeds owned and/or bred include: Siamese/Oriental, Bengal, Sphynx,  Persian and of course the beloved domestic. I have held a number of  club positions including Shorthair Registrar, Breeds Standard Council  and Breed representative, committee member. I started judging cats in  2007 as a shorthair judge, and I qualified in May 2018 as an all breeds  judge licensed with the New Zealand Cat Fancy. I also judge horses, (for  example miniature horse sections at the Royal Agricultural Show, and  the Horse of the Year show).


Barbara was introduced to and instantly fell in love with the  Burmese breed in 1979 and began breeding under her  Riokay prefix. In 1988 she decided to breed Abyssinians as  well. She has also imported Somalis and bred Burmillas,  Tonkinese and Maine Coons. Barbara bred Supreme Exhibit  winners in both Burmese and Abyssinians and has had  numerous Best Kitten and Cats of the Year with QFA. She has  twice proudly achieved Group 3 Prefix of the Year with QFA.  Barbara began training with QFA as a Shorthair judge in  1988. After judging for a couple of years she started training  in Longhairs and in 1998 became an All Breeds judge with  QFA. She has judged and continues to do so throughout  Australia and New Zealand and has also judged in Kuala  Lumpur, Germany and the Netherlands. In 2017 Barbara  returned as President of QFA Inc. Barbara was President of  QFA Inc. from 2002 – 2015. She is also currently President of  Burmese Cat Fanciers Club of Qld and previously held the  positions of President of the Abyssinian & Somali Cat Club of  Qld and is currently the President of the Gold Coast Cat Club.



Marisa is an All Breeds International judge attaining her Group 1 licence  in 2008 and then completed her Group 2 & 3 licence in 2013 with QFA.  She has judged in all states in Australia, in New Zealand and is a Guest  Judge for CFA. 

She entered the cat fancy in 1991 breeding Birmans under the prefix  Belshogar. For many years she actively showed her Birmans and a  Persian neuter with many COY and National awards. While doing her  shorthair judges course she decided to show a Burmese Neuter and was  totally captured by the breed. She is now passionately breeding and  showing Burmese with some very special cats. 

Marisa has always been involved in different facets of the cat fancy from  show manager and secretary, at a council level held positions of Vice  President, Registrar, and Treasurer. She held the position of Treasurer  for the Birman Club for many years and honoured with Life  Membership. 

As a judge Marisa feels it is one of the greatest honours to be able to  handle and judge so many cats at all the shows throughout the year


Good day, I am a fully qualified All Breeds Judge with GCCFV  and ACF, having completed training with FCCV for Group 3  license in 1995, followed by Group 1 in 2004 and Group 2 in  January 2013. I have been fortunate to have judged in all  eight major States and Territories of Australia, as well as  North and South Islands of New Zealand. In 2014 and 2022, I  was honoured with judging All Breeds at the prestigious  Sydney Royal Shows as well as at the iconic Royal Melbourne  Shows in 2014, 2015 and 2017. It was my pleasure to judge  Shorthair cats at the esteemed ACF National Show in 2017  and being invited to be a Supreme Ring judge for the 2021  GCCFV Virtual Show. My introduction to the cat fancy was  through successfully owning, exhibiting, and breeding silver  spotted British Shorthair cats under the Cornfield prefix for  over ten years. Our British cats were well known winning  multiple Supreme and Cat of the Year awards. I am an ACF  Tutor Judge and a committee member on the ACF Breeding  and Registration Rules sub–committee. My other  achievements include author, international speaker,  initiator, and member of CCCA working party to establish  Feline Health Research Fund:


I began breeding Burmese cats in 2000 after falling in love with a very  Nortie Brown Tortie. I loved the O gene colours and bred reds and  creams in particular along with the torties. In 2003 I met my first  Burmilla and fell in love with their delightful temperament and silver  coats. I applied for an experimental program to breed Burmillas,  beginning with the foundation matings between Burmese and  Chinchilla. Working with two other breeders I was able to add higher  generation Burmillas into the program. I specialise in short hair  Burmillas and occasionally breed a long hair litter. I breed the Burmilla  in all colours including the O Gene series. In 2011 I included the  Mandalay into my breeding program. I became an All Shorthair judge in  June 2018 and I commenced Group One training in 2017.


Nadine entered the cat fancy in 1997 when she started  showing desexed Persians but her love of cats started when  she was 4 years old when she was given a Persian by her  Aunty. Nadine and her husband Luke were granted their  prefix Shonstar in 2000 and began breeding Persians in  2001. Since then Nadine’s cats have won many best in show  awards including Desexed Cat of Year and Supreme Exhibits  at national level. Nadine began her judges training with QICC  becoming a Companion Cat judge in 2002. She later began  Longhair (Group 1) training which was completed with QFA  Inc in 2007. Nadine has judged in NSW as well as  Queensland. Nadine has much experience in grooming  Persians, running cat shows and has held many positions at  Council and Club level. Nadine took a break from these  positions when she and Luke had their first child Ryan in  January 2007, then extended their family in 2011 with the  birth of their Twin Daughters Grace & Isabelle. Nadine hopes  one day to become an All Breeds judge and apart from  Persians she holds a soft spot for Birmans and Burmese.


The Australian Cat Federation (Inc.) is a National Governing body with affiliates in all States, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. The ACF has endeavoured over the years to bring uniformity to the cat fancy  in various key areas which have an effect on cat breeding and cat showing. 

It's not just the show on the National weekend. It's the Annual General Meetings of ACF and its Judges' Guild and a  seminar to which all are welcome. 


CATS NSW is a cat governing body in New South Wales and the ACT and proudly affiliated with the Australian Cat  Federation Inc. CATS NSW is a progressive, welcoming, non-profit organisation and our key mission is to promote  the welfare of all cats, responsible and ethical breeding of pedigreed cats, and the showing of pedigreed cats and  de-sexed domestic cats. As a governing body, CATS NSW offers its Clubs and breeders advice and guidance where  possible. 


Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley 

61 Hawkesbury Valley Way  

Windsor, NSW 2756  


Friday 7th June 2024 

7.00pm – 8.00pm 

ACF would like to extend an invitation to all exhibitors and attendees to the welcome function on Friday evening, a  social evening to catch up with friends and to meet new people and welcome all our judges to Sydney. The cost to  attend is $30.00 which includes a welcome drink served with canapés. 

Function passes can be collected at the door. 


Sunday 9th June 2024 

7.30pm for 8.00pm 

Dinner will consist of a 3 course menu, set entrée alternate mains and set dessert - $72.00 per head. Special dietary  requirements can be catered for so please let us know in advance. Cash bar facilities, bookings essential.  


Monday 10th June 2024 

AGM 8.30am – 12.30pm 

Full Day Cost $69.00 

Includes: Coffee on arrival, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea 

Special dietary requirements can be catered for so please let us know in advance. 


Seminar 1.30pm – 5.00pm 

Afternoon Tea - $15.00 

Limited seating - bookings essential 



Wild Cat Conservation Centre 

Sydney University FIP group 







8.30am – 5.00pm 

Full Day Cost - $69.00 

Observers are welcome to attend. 

Observer bookings ARE essential, the cost is $69.00 which includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Special  dietary requirements can be catered for so please let us know in advance. 


Hawkesbury Pavilion, Hawkesbury Showgrounds 

Racecourse Road, Clarendon, NSW, 2756 

Close to facilities, this venue offers ample parking for  

exhibitors and the general public.  

Members of Western Districts Cat Society will provide  

exhibitor and visitor catering for purchase on both  

days of the show.  


The show will be six rings Australian Open Style with top ten or fifteen placings for each group in each  section (kittens, entires, and desexed). Three Rings will judged on Saturday and three rings on Sunday.  Rosettes will be awarded to all Best of Breed; Reserve of Breed will be awarded if warranted, subject to  entry numbers. All top place exhibits, best in group winners and Supreme winners will receive rosettes  and prizes. 


Contact for general queries: Show Secretary – Jenny Weekes 


 Mobile: 0400 210 857(before 8.00pm)  Email: 




No late entries will be accepted. 

Early entries appreciated 



 Show Manager 

Helena Sugar 

0425 270 242 

Show Committee 

Helena Sugar, Alison Moore, Jenny Weekes, Crystal Maher, Joanne  Greentree, Suzette Greentree 

 Assistant Show  

Manager/Chief Steward 

Alison Moore 

0409 980 535 

 Show Secretary 

Jenny Weekes 

0400 210 857 

 Show Processors 

Jenny Weekes/Peta Sperduty

Show and Rosette  


Jenny Weekes 

0400 210 857 

 Stalls Coordinator 

Crystal Maher 

0419 275 840 

 Sponsorship Coordinator 

Alison Moore 

0409 980 535 

Floor Coordinator 

Tony Hurry 

Catering Coordinators 

Joanne And Suzette Greentree - Western District Cat Society Inc

 Breed Display & Talks 

Jenny Weekes 

0400 210 857 


6.45am - 8.15am 

Vetting and Benching – Own cages must be setup by 8.00am 


President opens show and judging commences

9.00am – 3.30pm 

Show open to public

11.00am & 1.00pm 

Breed presentations


7.00am - 8.00am 

Benching. Vetting only for those cats not present on Saturday. 


Judging commences 

9.00am – 3.30pm 

Show open to public

11.00am & 1.00pm 

Breed presentations

3.00pm – 4.30pm 

Supreme Panel Judging & Presentation of Overall Best in Group & Overall  Supreme Awards


A number of roles require volunteers to assist with the smooth running of the show. These include Setup,  Vetting, Stewards, Runners, Front Desk and Pulldown. If you are able to assist, please advise our  Chief Steward, Alison Moore, at 

Anyone assisting with setup will also be able to set up their cages for the next day.  Stewards may also request the section and group they wish to steward in. 

If you have any questions regarding working at the show, please contact the Chief Steward at 



Groups 1, 2 and 3 include all ACF recognised pedigreed breeds and are divided into three main sections: Kitten,  Entire and Desexed exhibits. Companion exhibits will be judged as an individual section. 

Group 1 Breeds 

Birman, Exotic, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Nebelung, Neva Masquerade, Persian, Ragdoll, Siberian,  Turkish Angora, Turkish Van. 

Group 2 Breeds 

Balinese, Foreign White, Foreign White Longhair, Oriental, Oriental Longhair, Peterbald, Siamese.  Group 3 Breeds 

Abyssinian, American Burmese, American Curl, American Shorthair, Australian Mist, Bengal, Bombay, British  Shorthair, British Longhair, Burmese, Burmilla, Burmilla Longhair, Cornish Rex, Cymric, Devon Rex, Egyptian  Mau, Japanese Bobtail Shorthair, Japanese Bobtail Longhair, Korat, LaPerm, LaPerm Longhair, Lykoi, Mandalay,  Manx, Munchkin, Ocicat, Pixiebob, Russian, Scottish Fold Shorthair, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Shorthair,  Scottish Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair, Selkirk Rex Longhair, Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese,  Toyger. 


Companion Pet includes domestic cats of unknown breed, and cats that may be of a recognised breed that are pets only. Where a Companion Pet appears to be of a recognised breed, there is to be no consideration of that breed’s standard of points in the assessment as a Companion Pet; all compete on an equal basis. 


Titled or untitled cats from ACF or CCCA member bodies will be eligible for ACF Award of Excellence, award classes under the approved groups listed above. 

ACF Companion Award of Honour, awarded to the highest placed adult, so long as it is in the Top 3, where a  minimum of 3 (three) adult companions are entered. Maximum of one certificate per RING. 


• In-line vetting by a duly qualified veterinary surgeon will examine each cat, whether entered for  competition or exhibition only. The veterinary surgeon shall order any cat to be removed from  the show if, in his/her opinion, it is suffering from any infectious or contagious disease or has  external parasites. Their decision in this regard shall be final. Should the veterinarian reject one  of an exhibitor’s cats or kittens all the exhibitor’s entries may be rejected. If the exhibitor has  travelled with another exhibitor their exhibits may also be disqualified from exhibiting. 

• No exhibit or exhibitor (other than veterinary professionals) may enter the hall if, at any time  during the period of 30 days immediately preceding the day of the show, they have been in  contact with or affected by a disease infectious to cats. 

• All inspected exhibits must pass the Veterinary Inspection. 

• Should the need occur at any stage of the day, a vet may be consulted and may if in their opinion  ask that an exhibit be removed from the hall. Their decision is final. 

• Should any exhibit be vetted out on the first day, they will not be permitted to return the  following day. 

Vaccination certificates showing appropriate vaccinations with first vaccination no less than 14  days prior to the show must be available for inspection for exhibits under nine months of age.



Pedigreed Exhibits 

Best Overall in Group awards will be determined by an open panel vote. From each best in Group  kitten, entire cat and desexed Cat the panel will vote to determine the Best Exhibits in each of the  three Groups. From these exhibits the panel will determine the winner of the prestigious  Hon. Lance Barnard A.O. Award for Supreme Exhibit in Show. 

Companion Exhibits 

A Supreme judging panel will be used to determine which of the six Best in Show Companion exhibit  winners will be Supreme Companion Exhibit. 


There will be exciting raffles at the show with great prizes, including a MAJOR draw.  


You can bring your own show cages to the show as long as they are standard show cages. A small  MAY NOT be any wider than 63cm and no deeper than 46cm. A large MAY NOT be any wider  than 80cm and no deeper than 49cm . You must make sure your cages have solid sides attached to  prevent cats coming into contact with each other. These can be made from corflute or other solid  material and must be OPAQUE and WATERPROOF.  

There will be a limited number of cages for hire available at the show in the following sizes. Preference  for large cages will be given to adult cats of large breeds. 

Small cages 63cm Wide x 45cm Deep x 45cm High – front opening 

Large cages 90cm Wide x 48cm Deep x 52cm High – front opening 


If you would like a stall, we would love to hear from you. We can provide an area for you to set up a  display or sell products. For further information, contact 


The following advertising opportunities are available. Please email print ready copy electronically to the show secretary 

Full Page $100,  

Half Page $60,  

Quarter page $35 

Business Card $20




The Best kitten, entire & desexed cat in each Group will judged by a panel of judges who have not  judged in the Group. The panels will assess the first placed cats, kittens and desexed cats to choose an overall Best in Section to compete for Best in Group. 

Best Overall in Group awards will be determined by an open panel vote, from each best in Group kitten, entire cat and desexed Cat. The panel will vote to determine the Best Exhibits in each of the three  Groups. From these exhibits the panel will determine the winner of the prestigious Supreme Exhibit in  Show. 



Group 1



Group 1



Group 1



Group 2



Group 2



Group 2



Group 3



Group 3



Group 3






A Supreme judging panel will be used to determine which of the six Best in Show Companion Exhibit  winners will be awarded Supreme Companion Exhibit. 



Before the show 

• Entries to this show must be accompanied by a full copy of the certified pedigree (minimum:  exhibit plus 4 generations) for verification that the exhibit’s pedigree conforms to ACF breeding  & registration guidelines (see show rules). Please make sure you upload a digital copy of the  registration certificate/pedigree with your entry. (Details about how to enter using  catshowsonline can be found further in this schedule.) 

• The show secretary will email confirmation of your entry. 

• Function passes will be available at the Welcome Function and at show entry on Saturday. Check your confirmation email carefully and advise the Show Secretary ASAP of any changes  necessary. 

• This is a six-ring show over two days. Your cat will be handled at least three times each day. Please consider your cat’s temperament when entering! 

All exhibits must have front and rear claws clipped. 

• Desexed and entire kittens will compete against each other.  

• Please note at this show exhibitor identification will be issued at the front desk. Exhibitor identification must be worn at all times otherwise an entry fee may be charged. 

• Entries will not be accepted for breeds or colours/patterns not recognised by ACF Inc. • Exhibitors’ names will be recorded as per the certificate of registration/pedigree.  

At the show 

• All exhibits must remain in their cages until the show closes. 

• No powders or sprays are to be used within the show hall; this will result in the disqualification of the exhibit/s. A designated grooming area will be made available to exhibitors. 

• Please be aware of the closing time of the show. Any exhibit left in the hall unattended at the close of show will be removed and taken to a boarding cattery overnight at the owner’s  expense. 

• Cat litter must be disposed of ONLY in the marked bins. Please don’t use the judge’s bins as the odour is unpleasant and will upset other exhibits. 


• Our show will feature breed talks where ACF judges will present and describe various breeds and  their history. This is an excellent opportunity for breeders to promote their breed to the public.  Spaces are limited. Exhibits must have excellent temperaments and be able to cope with crowds. 

• The breed talks will be presented at the following times: 11.00am and 1.00pm. If you would like  to sign up an exhibit to be part of the talks, contact Jenny Weekes at   


Adults - $7.50 

Children under 16/Pensioners - $5.00 

Families - $20.00 

Ample free car parking at the venue. 



OFFICIAL Accommodation (NO Cats permitted) 

Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley  

61 Hawkesbury Valley Way 

Windsor, NSW 2756  

Distance to show venue: 2.2km / 4 min 

Distance to airport: 65km / 60min 

Other accommodation - Cats Permitted 

Ingenia Holidays Avina, 217 Commercial Road Vineyard (02) 96271847 (25 mins from venue) Gateway Motel, Cnr Windsor Road & Boundary Road Vineyard (02) 96276022 (25 mins from venue) Hidden Valley Retreat Cottages, Cabbage Tree Road Grose Vale 0416 165 646 (25 mins) Ingenia Holidays Nepean River Mackellar Street Emu Plains 4735 4425 (30 mins)  

Ingenia holidays Sydney Hills 269 New Line Road Dural 02 9651 2555 (40 mins) (1 pet per cabin) Mantra Castle Hill 8 Gladstone Road Castle Hill 02 80726600 (45 mins) 

Kurrajong Trails & Cottages, Kirkwood Road Blaxlands Ridge (30 mins) 02 45761417 Hermitage Cottage, 112/112A Horan Lane Grose Vale (20 mins) 02 4721121 

Madison’s Mountain Retreat at Kurrajong Heights (30 mins) 02 45677398 

Quest Apartments North Sydney, Olympic Park, Penrith, Campbelltown  

Other accommodation options 



Camping at Hawkesbury Showground 

The Hawkesbury Showground has pet friendly powered caravan sites close to the Hawkesbury Pavilion, and there are showers and toilets within the pavilion for exhibitors to use. Camping is only  allowed where there is an event on. Contact for booking form. 

There is also a local company who hires vans and will deliver them to the site. They are pet friendly. On Point Caravan Hire – 0413 888 805 or 0447 044 710 



1. Entries must be made on the appropriate entry form and  must be in the hand of the Show Manager by the stated  closing time. All entry fees must accompany the entry form.  Entry fees will not be refunded under any circumstances. 

2. All exhibits, local and interstate, excepting unpedigreed  must be registered and issued with an approved registration  number by a recognised controlling body and be eligible  under By-Law Part 1 Clauses 3, 4 or 5. Each exhibit,  excepting unpedigreed, must be accompanied by a pedigree  issued from it registered controlling body. 

3. Unless otherwise stated on the Show Schedule, no litters  will be accepted for competition.  

4. All exhibits must be vaccinated as per current veterinary  protocols. Vaccination certificates for all kittens must be  available for inspection.  

5. All adult cats entered for competition, included titled cats,  must complete in their appropriate Open class (whether  entire or desexed). Kittens must be entered in their  individual age classes (under 5, 7 and 9 months). 

6. No cat obviously pregnant may be exhibited. No cat  obviously nursing a litter may be exhibited. No vasectomised  cat may be exhibited. No female cat desexed by tubal  ligation may be exhibited. 

7. The age of all exhibits shall be computed from the day of their  birth to the first (1st) day of the show:  

a. Kittens: exhibits twelve (12) weeks (84 days) and  under nine (9) months (270 days) of age; and 

b. Cats: exhibits nine (9) months (270 days) of age and over on the day of the show. 

8. An exhibit must be the bona fide registered property of the  owner or lessee in whose name it is entered. If owned by  more than one person, the names of all part-owners must be  shown on the entry form.  

9. The Show Manager reserves the right to refuse or return any  entry or entries. Exhibitors whose entries are refused are to be notified in writing by registered mail within seven (7)  days of close of entries. A Copy of such letter to be  forwarded at the same time to the ACF (Inc.) Secretary. 

10. One free pass will be issued to the exhibitor. These passes  are not transferable. Where the exhibitor is a partnership,  whether owner or lessee; additional free passes may be  issued, at the discretion of the Show Manager.  

11. While ACF (Inc.) takes every care of animals entered in a  show, all exhibits are entered/exhibited at the  owner’s/lessee’s risk. It must be strictly understood by all  exhibitors, and all other persons, that ACF will not accept  responsibility for the loss of or damage to any exhibit or  property, whether arising from accident or other causes by  its officers, agents or any other person. All personal property  left in the hall is the owner’s responsibility. 

12. No cat or other animal, other than exhibits, shall be allowed  within the precincts of the show hall for the duration of the  show. 

13. All exhibits must be brought to the hall in suitable carry boxes or containers. No exhibit will be accepted if on leads,  wrapped in towels, etc. 

14. No exhibit or exhibitor (other than veterinary  professionals) may enter the hall if, at any time during the  period of 30 days immediately preceding the day of the  show, they have been in contact with or affected by a  disease infectious to cats. 

15. All inspected exhibits must pass the Veterinary Inspection. a.A duly qualified veterinary surgeon may examine each  cat, whether entered for competition or exhibition only,  or 

b. A veterinary surgeon shall be present at the show from  7:00 am until midday, inspecting animals of their selection during that period. Entry to bays during judging  is not permitted except at show manager's request. The  veterinary surgeon shall order any cat to be removed from  the show if, in their opinion, it is suffering from any  infectious or contagious disease or has external parasites.  Their decision in this regard will be final. Should the  veterinarian reject one of an exhibitor’s exhibits, all the  exhibitor’s entries may also be rejected. Exhibits of  another exhibitor whose exhibits travelled with the  exhibitor whose exhibits were rejected, may also be  rejected. Refer to form in By-Laws Part 6.1 National  Show – Administration Clause 14. 

16. Member bodies hosting a National may elect to have no  vetting at shows. 

(a) Whether vetting is to be conducted or not will be shown  on the Show Schedule.  

(b) The Show Manager may remove an exhibit from the  show if, in their opinion, the exhibit is not in show condition. Their decision in thisregard will be final.  

17. If an adult male cat entered as an entire male is found to be  monorchid or cryptorchid it will be disqualified. 

18. If during the course of the show, an exhibit should be found  to be ailing, or distressed through any cause, the Show  Manager may at their discretion request that the exhibit be  removed from the show hall. 

19. Exhibitor Owned Cages: All cages brought by exhibitors  must comply with the approved standards and sizes.  (a) The small cage will have a maximum size of 62.5cm wide x  46cm deep x 52cm high.  

(b) The large cage will have a maximum size of 78.9cm wide x  48.3cm deep x 56cm high.  

(c) The cage shall be of a wire mesh type construction with one  or two doors. No top opening cages will be permitted. There  must be a door at the front.  

(d) The cage must be fitted with suitable waterproof and opaque  (non -see through) solid barriers on both sides and back to  prevent direct contact between benched cats. 

20. Curtains (if used) and a towel or blanket must be in cages  prior to the commencement of judging. No other objects  are allowed until judging is completed, except for devices  used for warmth. Nothing in cages shall identify owner. 

21. No foodstuffs are allowed in cages prior to and/or during  judging but drinking water may be provided. 

22. Litter trays may be provided by exhibitors 

23. Grooming of exhibits benched may be continued until  exhibitors are requested to leave the judging area prior to  judging. No sprays or powders used to groom exhibits are to  be used in the show hall. Transgression will result in the  disqualification of the exhibit. 

24. All exhibits entered for competition shall have all claws  clipped. 

25. Carry-boxes, etc. must be placed out of sight after the  exhibit is benched. 


26. Late arrivals will only be accepted at the discretion of the  Show Manager but exhibits not in their cages when the  judges are called to the floor will automatically be  disqualified from that ring.  

27. No exhibit may be removed from the vicinity of its cage  without special permission from the Show Manager. 28. No exhibit may be removed from the show hall before 

completion of prize-giving without the permission of the  Show Manager. 

29. The Show Manager reserves the right to amend prize lists  and to alter judging assignments if necessary. 

30. All exhibits at the ACF (Inc.) National Show are judged  according to the Standards of the ACF Inc. All breeds,  colours and patterns will be fully written. 

31. The ACF (Inc.) National Show will contain the following  sections for competition: -  


GROUP 1: Birman, Exotic, Maine Coon, Nebelung,  Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ragdoll,  Persian, Siberian, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van.  GROUP 2: Balinese, Foreign White, Foreign White  Longhair, Oriental Shorthair, Oriental Longhair, Peterbald, Siamese.  

GROUP 3: Abyssinian, American Curl, American  Shorthair, Australian Mist, Bengal, Bombay, British  (Shorthair and Longhair), Burmese (American), Burmese, Burmilla, Burmilla Longhair, Cornish  Rex, Cymric, Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau,  

Japanese Bobtail Shorthair, Japanese Bobtail  

Longhair, Korat, LaPerm, LaPerm Longhair, Lykoi,  Mandalay, Manx, Munchkin Shorthair, Munchkin  Longhair, Ocicat, Pixiebob, Russian, Scottish Fold  Shorthair, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish  

Shorthair, Scottish Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair,  Selkirk Rex Longhair, Singapura, Snowshoe,  

Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese, Toyger. 

GROUP 4: Companion Cats. 

NOTE: Refer to Clause 43 for exhibits competing from  a Breed Development Programme. 

(b) Member Bodies hosting a National Show may elect  to use the following sections: Longhair (Group 1),  Shorthair (Groups 2 & 3) and Companion Cats (Group  4). 

(c) The sections for competition to be used will be  shown on the Show Schedule. 

32. Desexed exhibits shall not compete against entire  exhibits except where special regulations apply as in  side-classes such as eye colour, etc. or for Supreme  Exhibit. For Top 5/10 Kittens, desexed and entire kittens  will compete together. 

33. Award Certificates. In each ring:  

(a) Challenge and Award of Merit certificates will be  awarded for Best Male, Best Female, Best Neuter and  Best Spay in each colour (A.O.C. and non-pedigreed  exhibits excepted or where special regulations apply –  see Rule 43) irrespective of the number of entries,  provided the exhibits reach the required standard.  

(b) Challenge and Award of Merit certificates awarded to  exhibits from Breed Development Programs must be  marked with the “generation Level (i.e., GEN 1 etc.)”.  However, the generation level status will not be indicated  on the judges’ slips.  

(c) Award of Excellence (AoE) will be awarded for the  Best Male, Best Female, Best Neuter and Best Spay in  each Group provided the exhibits reach the required  standard.  

(d) Companion Merit Awards will be awarded for Best  Neuter and Best Spay Companion Cat provided the  exhibits reach the required standard.  

(e) Award of Honour (AoH) will be awarded for Best  Neuter and Best Spay Companion Cat in Show provided  

the exhibits meets the required criteria. 

34. A Judge’s decision on the merit of an exhibit shall be  final unless such decision is contrary to the rules under which the show is conducted. Judges shall be empowered  and instructed not to award any prize, Challenge or  Award of Merit Certificate or Companion Merit Award  to any exhibit which they consider is not of sufficient 

merit. The judge may award a second place and may  withhold a prize altogether where the exhibits are not, in his opinion, ofsufficient merit. 

35. Judges are instructed to ignore tattoo marks and other  similar forms of identification (e.g. reaction to microchip  insert) in show cats. 

36. If a judge is of the opinion that colour or pattern is  incorrect, and entry form is checked and error is  confirmed to be by exhibitor, then that judge will  withhold. 

37. Any exhibit which is unable to be handled by the judge  will not be judged. Any exhibit found to be sedated will  be disqualified. 

a) If an exhibit behaves in an aggressive manner, or  injures a handler, it will be marked UTH (Unable to be  Handled) and disqualified from further competition in  the show.  

b) If an exhibit is less aggressive but is unable to be  taken from the cage to the judging table or be handled  sufficiently to be effectively judged/assessed, it will be  marked UTJ (unable to be judged) for that ring. 

38. Officiating judges may enter exhibitsin competition, but not judge their own exhibits. Such judges are excluded  from conferring with judges of cats in sections in which  they are exhibiting and from sitting on any panel  including for Supreme Exhibit in the event that any exhibit owned by such judges should be presented to  such panels. 

39. Panel judging may be used at the discretion of the Show  Manager. Panel should be of an odd number. 

40. In the event of a split decision during panel judging, the  panel will be instructed to determine between two of the  exhibits, and then between the winner and a third  exhibit and so on until an overall winner is established. 

41. Any complaint regarding the management of the show must be made in writing to the ACF Inc. Secretary together with a fee determined by ACF Inc., within two  days of the show. The fee will be refunded if the protest  is upheld. 

42. No cards or ribbons, other than those won at the show, may be displayed. 

43. Breed Development Programme:  

(a) Exhibits from a Breed Development Programme  shall compete against full register exhibits in their  appropriate classes if they are, or have been, part of an  approved program aimed at producing cats of an  established breed/variety and standard in the Open  Classes where Challenges and Award of Merit  certificates are awarded.  

(b) Exhibits from a Breed Development Programme are  eligible for Best of Breed/Variety and Best in Show  Awards.  

(c) Exhibits of an unrecognised variety (colour,  marking, or coat quality) of an established breed shall  compete in Open Classes for AOC/AOV exhibits. The  proposed standard of points must be forwarded with the  entry 

44. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to ensure exhibits’  certification is correct before the show.



52nd Australian Cat Federation (Inc.) National Cat Show 

8th and 9th June 2024



Entry fee per exhibit 


Benching Fee Per Exhibitor 


Small Hire Cage (limited numbers) 

Large Hire Cage (limited numbers)(Adult cats/large breeds)





Catalogue Advertising: 

Full Page $100 

Half Page $60  

Quarter page $35 

Business card $20

$ _____

Additional Exhibitor Pass/es 

$7.50 each

Friday 7th June - Welcome Function 

(Includes one drink) 


Official Dinner 

(3 courses - Alternate Plate Drop) 


Monday 10th June - ACF Judges Guild AGM/Seminar (all day) 


Monday 10th June - ACF Judges Guild Seminar (Afternoon Tea)


Tuesday 11th June - ACF AGM & GM - Observers Only 



Single $150.00 (3m frontage) 

Double $200.00 (5m frontage)

 (please specify) 

ACF Yearbook 2024 


Donation to Trophy Fund 




Payment for entries and functions must be made through Online Entries at


Entering the 2024 ACF National Online. 

Entries to the Show will be online. 

The National will use the entry system for entries as well as show administration. 

For those unfamiliar with, and as a refresher for those who have used the system  before, here are instructions on how to enter. 

Before Entering:  

• To enter the show, you will need a PC or Tablet – Mobile phones work as well, however the text can be quite small!! The best experience is on a PC. 

• Ensure you have scanned images of your Pedigrees as you will need to upload them. • utilises online payments, so you will require either a Credit or Debit Card to pay for your entry. Cash on the day and Direct Debit is not available for this show. 

Registering and Setting up “My Cats”: 

Prior to entering a show, you need to create an online profile in and then add your cats and kittens to the profile. 

• Navigate to and select the “Register Here” button. • Enter your Details, and also select your ACF affiliated council – for exhibitors registered with other cat associations, please select the “OTHER” option. 

• For exhibits owned by more than one person, please enter both names in the name field. • Click the “Go to Homepage” button. 

• Once back on the homepage, Select “Login” in the Top right-hand corner. And enter the email address and password you registered. 

• You will now see the word “Login” has been replaced with your name. 

• Click on your name and select “My Cats” from the drop-down selection. 

• Select the “Add Cat” Button and have your pedigrees ready. 

• Add your cats details: 

▪ Registration Number, 

▪ Sex, (Male, Female, Male Desexed = Neuter, Female Desexed = Spay) 

▪ Date Of Birth, (Click on the Month and year to change years/months) 

▪ Titles, 

▪ Name, 

▪ Sire, (Please Omit Titles – Prefix and Name only) 

▪ Dam, (Please Omit Titles – Prefix and Name only) 

▪ Class (Select “Kitten” for Under 9 Months. Open for 9 Months and Over, Gold and Platinum are not used at nationals, however feel free to select if you cat is Gold or Platinum+) 

▪ Select Breed, 

▪ Select Colour – If your cat’s Colour/pattern is not here, then please send a message  to Catshowsonline “contact us” section or email “” so it can be added as required.  

All Colours and Patterns will comply with correct Easy Mind System (EMS) Syntax. ▪ Attach your scanned pedigree. 

• Click “Save” 

• You should now be back in the “My Cats” page and your Cat should now appear. • Repeat the “Add Cat” process for all cats to be entered 

• Congratulations - You Are now ready to enter the show.



Now, with your profile set up, you are ready to enter the show. 

• Return to the Home Page, and select the “Enter Now” button associated to the ACF National. It can be identified with the ACF Logo and Information. 

• Review the information regarding the show, then scroll down to accept the rules and regulations  of showing. Finally click “Enter Now” 

• The Entry page is sorted into 2 sections – Extras and Entries 

• Extras: Here you can order items related to the show, or planned events. The items are set out with what they are and how much they cost. 

• Entries: Here you enter your cats into the show. 

• Click on “Select Cat*” 

• A dropdown box will appear with the cat’s names. 

• Select the first cat to enter 

• You should see the details of the cat, and also a drop-down box with the Size of Cage or a Hire cage if required. Select the correct cage. 

• Click on the entered cats name to see the other cats available to enter. 

• Enter until all required cats are done. 

• Select “Proceed to Payment” 


• You will now be taken away from the website and to • If you have a PayPal login, please enter it and pay for the show. 

• If you don’t have a PayPal Login – and don’t want one, you can select “Pay with a Card” on this screen 

to Pay without a PayPal membership. The site takes all Credit and Debit Cards. • Once you have paid, please wait for the site to automatically return to the 

• Congratulations! You are now entered. You should soon receive an invoice from PayPal,  and a Receipt from – if no receipt arrives in your email box, please check your junk mail. If it is not there, please contact to confirm you  are entered. 

• Important – The Receipt will arrive in your registered email inbox, and will have all pertinent details regarding your entry: 

▪ Exhibit name, 

▪ Date of Birth, *  

▪ Sex, (Male, Female, Neuter**, Spay**) 

▪ Breed 

▪ and Colour/Pattern. 

* Date of Birth Defines a Kitten or Adult Class:  

** Neuter is also known as “Male Desexed,” Spay is also known “Female Desexed.” 

You MUST confirm that this information is correct as it will determine how your cat is classed and entered. This information will not be changed on the day of the show so problems and  changes will need to be fixed prior to the show.

Birthdate on Pedigree 


Born after 16th March 2024 

Too young to compete

9th Sept 2023 – 16th March 2024 

Kitten Class

Born before 9th Sept 2023 

Open Class



No Problem, you can still Purchase Extras and attend the events. 

• Just follow the “Registration” Process and skip the “Add Cat” section. 

• Once Registered and Logged in, you can order your requirements and pay as per the above process. GOOD LUCK! 

Cats NSW would like to sincerely thank our valued sponsors who make this event possible. Royal Canin 



Departure Pets 

Eye Envy 



and many more 

Thank you ! 




President: Heather Havens
Mobile: 0407 452 947

Postal address:  PO Box 40437 CASUARINA NT 0811

Secretery: Julian R Schüller
Mobile: 0447373659
Postal address:  PO Box 40437 CASUARINA NT 0811


Google Maps

Club House location:

Darwin Show grounds. Farrell Crescent Entrance. Winnellie, NT.


From Stuart Hwy turn onto Farrell Crescent (by Discovery Holiday Parks - Darwin)
Slight right to stay on Farrell Crescent
At the end turn left onto Shean Road (dirt track)
Follow for 140m
Turn right through gate

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